Anya Novikov has long been intrigued with the Salem Witch Trials and their
timeless message.  A career teaching American Literature at a Catholic high school is the backbone for Once Upon a Witch, a Young Adult inspirational romance of dark dreams and fierce faith.  

Although Delli and her "circle" might have further adventures--there is a snow globe that never stops snowing inside, on Delli's dresser in the family's funky old house...Anya has been led to writing fun stories for Middle Graders. Watch for Black Dog, White Dog, in March  2015.

A native Californian, she lives on the central coast with her firefighter husband. A besotted gramma of two little boys, she keeps busy with travel and volunteering at the local horse rescue. She writes Western romance as Tanya Hanson.

1 comment:

  1. just wanted to say have a nice Christmas and do u have a newsletter to join
